The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164038   Message #3920414
Posted By: Steve Shaw
27-Apr-18 - 12:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: deleting thread - ok.. no big deal..but
Subject: RE: BS: deleting thread - ok.. no big deal..but
"Please don't ever tell me I'm off-topic again and don't tell me how to handle Keith
He's a racist, fascist, antisemitic scumbag and he manages to sabotage everything he touches
While he is allowed to behave as he does there is no future for any discussion he chooses to pollute..."

Unfortunately, Jim, saying that to or about him is precisely what feeds him. He loves it and he deliberately invites it. He likes to play the professional got-at victim and it takes priority over any desire on his part to discuss anything sensibly. It won't be long at this rate before it's just you and him with the occasional bit of spicing by Bruce and bobad. It really isn't worth it any more. Free country, of course. Just sayin'.

"Best meat and potato pie - Carrs of Bolton"

Outrageous flaming, Dave. Everybody knows that it's Greenhalgh's...