The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164038   Message #3920449
Posted By: beardedbruce
27-Apr-18 - 01:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: deleting thread - ok.. no big deal..but
Subject: RE: BS: deleting thread - ok.. no big deal..but
Proven in the other thread- you want them repeated here?

CARROLL:"The point of this exceptionally brave man's statement is that the UN (and the rest of the world) are staying silent about what was happening "

FACT: As usual, YOUR point can be proven to be false- The UN HAS spoken about this. Why lie when the truth is in YOUR favor?

"Geneva (AFP) - The UN rights chief on Friday urged Israeli forces to stop using excessive force against Palestinian protesters and called for troops who have committed abuses "to be held accountable."

"Every week, we witness instances of use of lethal force against unarmed demonstrators," the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein, said in a statement.

Further lie on your part

CARROLL:"There is a strange blanket of silence in all this - no casualty figures since the beginning of the month says what needs to be said about internet balance "

FACT:"Forty-two Palestinians have been killed by Israeli fire since March 30, according to the UN. " FROM MY POSTED ARTICLE BY THE UN

Proven lies by Jim Carroll, as stated.