The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163955   Message #3921378
Posted By: beardedbruce
01-May-18 - 11:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Guns in America
Subject: RE: BS: Guns in America
"In NY you get five years in jail for an unregistered hand gun yet areas of our city are swamped with them "

Of course- since about 1965, when serious restrictions started in NY, the go-to place to GET illegal weapons has been ... NYC.

So what the F... do more laws that will not be enforced ( except aganst the LEGAL gun owners) do?

Bump stocks WOULD have been illegal, but the OBAMA BATF said they were ok- Now, how do we get them all back under control?

Kit guns are a real problem, just as zip guns were. As long as the CRIMINALS who get guns are ignored in order to restrict the LAW_ABIDING gun owners, there will always be illegal firearms.

I do not like the AR-15 and variants myself- but I think the way the laws are being written too many truly useful weapons are being banned. Im MD, the M1A is forbidden- I know many target shooters who use M1 and M1A and swear by them.