The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164041   Message #3921713
Posted By: Jim Carroll
02-May-18 - 07:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Israel's Sharpville
Subject: RE: BS: Israel's Sharpville
"Mohammad Khatami, " yatteda, yatteda yattada
So what Bobad ?
None of these people would ever attack Israel simply because it is not in their interests to do so even if they were able to do
What would they gain form helping the Palestinians - a heap of glowing nuclear rubbish
Israel is the most powerful state in the Middle East - apart from its own standing army it has the backing of other nuclear powers to retaliate should it be attacked and it has enough economic support throughout the world to bring any county who dares to attempt to make good on those empty threats crashing about its ears
This is nonsensical shit
Every terrorist state from the Nazis onward have excused their atrocities by claiming "decadence" - Israel is now playing the same card
Compare these threats with what Israel has done in the past and what it is doing now
It is shooting down unarmed demonstrators - that is a war crime - an atrocity
There can never be an excuse for what Israel is doing now - never
If the world accepts this without intervention or demanding punishment we may as well tear up every human rights declaration and every expectation of countries adhering to international laws and return to barbarity
Israel is carrying out the mass murder Keith is denying has ever happened - proof enough he is talking through his arse - and he ****** knows it
The "civilized democratic countries" he talks about stood by for decades in full awareness while Assad arrested, tortured and murdered his people - they did nothing (unless you count Britain sales of military equipment and chemicals 'something')
THe "decent.. etc" states stood by while Assad's snipers took out women carrying children in arms - no intervention, no boycotts
Britain sold fighter planes to the Saudis, undoubtedly to be used on the starving Yeminis; Cameron opened a massive arms fair aimed at some of the worst despots in the world on the eve of The Aranb Spring Protests
The same "decent, democratic" leader went to a funeral in Saudi Arabia while to pay rspects to the patriarch of the family who was, while Cameron was there, administering 1000 lashes for speaking out of turn
Where were these "decent, democratic countries" while America was pouring burning burning petrol on third world pheasants and turning their lungs into lace curitains (and those of their pilots) with carcinogenic chemicals ?
Nowhere to be seen
Our own glorious leader - Mad Maggie - fought tooth and nail to keep Pinochet and his torturing and mass murdering regime out of the international criminal courts
She described him as "a hero of democracy" and accused those who wanted him trid of "running a police state"
Decent and democratic my arse - Isreal is a terrorist state in the process of adding to its record of mass murder - backed by over half Israel's population who support ethnic cleansing and describe African refugees as "cancers"
Not much decency or democracy in all this
Jim Carroll