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Thread #164041   Message #3922029
Posted By: Jim Carroll
04-May-18 - 03:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Israel's Sharpville
Subject: RE: BS: Israel's Sharpville
"Your consistent problem/ weakness in argument is your utter lack of balance. "
And yours is "balance"
Whate is the "balanced response to what is happening now with it's "decent democratic countries" and its outright denial of historical, fully recorded events and "refugees" who run propaganda radio shows and are invited to speak in the Knesset"
I see no balance
We are not talking about odd atrocities - not even the mass killing of unarmed protesters that is taking place at present, but a seventy year history of land seizures, massacres and evictions which have created the largest single number of refugees on the planet
Add to this a declared aim of over half the Israeli people (not just the politicians) of ethnically cleansing Arabs from their homes
Has anyone here offered a single shred of protest of any of this - have you?
Is that your idea of "balance"
You, as others have, have accused me of antisemitism - have a single one of you offered a shred of evidence of my attacking the Jewish people or attempted to take up my offer of a donation - no you have not, yet that accusation is left hanging - balance!!!
The most openly antisemitic statement made on this forum was made by one of your number - despite numerous requests, not a single one of you have condemned that statement - not one
How "balanced" is that - it seems antisemitism ceases to be antisemitic when it comes from friend who share the same political leanings
How can one be "balanced" about mass murder, ethnic cleansing, land sezuire, the massacres of civilians - beats me!
I agree that it is "too simplistic" to deal with these subjects with debates such as these - that's why I have made a life-long habit of reading them up - they have been an interest of mine since my early twenties - and earlier
My family history, before I was born, involved opposing the persecution of the Jewish people
Members of my family were arrested for their activities, my father volunteered to go to war when he heard from neighbors what was happening to the Jews in Germany - he ended up sharing cell with Jews who had volunteered for the same cause - three of them came to his funeral
Yet I "hate Jews" because I will not support a political regime that is now using the Jewish People as an excuse for the atrocities it is commuting
The same with my interest in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe politics - I have never raise a word of support for Stalin yet to you I am a Stalinist
Your knowledge seems to be based on anything you can scoop up from the internet
I have read up on the subjects we have argued about - I do that with subjects that interest me and I expect (or I hope for) the same from those I argue with
I come here to exchange ideas and gain knowledge not to win prizes
I see little of that from the closed minds of people who are the most vociferous and often personally vicious on these subjects
Where is your "balance"?
Maybe I have the telescope upi to the wrong eye!
Your consistent problem/ weakness in argument is your utter lack of balance.
Give us a break!!
Jim Carroll
I very much appreciate your display of ageism - it fortifies what I believe to be true
Perhaps we should campaign for detention centres for those who exceed a certain age
You people really do let yourselves down time - much appreciated