The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164041   Message #3922592
Posted By: Jim Carroll
06-May-18 - 07:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Israel's Sharpville
Subject: RE: BS: Israel's Sharpville
"Your challenging of another poster regarding a government picking on its own citizens is quite ludicrous"
I assume ou are talking about Keith?
If you're not, you've lost me
You seem to have a thing about ignoring what he actually said - isn't that quite ludicrous
Are you suggesting I faked his post - if not, please explain how it does not mean his recommending that it's ok to sell riot equipment to a mass murderer when he is in the process of mass murdering his people?
"compared to your championing of the Soviet system which systematically starved millions of Ukrainians. "
You have displayed a spectacular ignorance both of the Soviet Union and what my opinions are on it
Where have I ever Championed the murdering of the Ukrainian people?
I won't wait for an answer because I have come to realise you don't go in for that sort of thing, but rather, throw about accusations which you refuse to substantiate
Any nearer to understanding Keith's antisemitism yet or would you rather not answer on the grounds that you might incriminate yourself
Why do you people bother to contribute to these discussions if you are not prepared to debate them honestly?
You want to discuss he Soviet Union - fine the subject interests me, but please try to come up wit a little more than hastily scooped up Cold War propaganda - any moron can do that
Jim Carroll