The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164082   Message #3922662
Posted By: Keith A of Hertford
07-May-18 - 07:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: London is a war zone!
Subject: RE: BS: London is a war zone!
BBC today,
"Gun violence on London's streets 'must stop'"

"Southwark Borough Commander, Simon Messinger, said the violence had "rightly caused concern" and the "fast-paced" investigation was "progressing all the time".
He said additional officers would be on patrol for the rest of the weekend, supported by armed response officers on motorcycles, dog units and air support.
London Mayor Sadiq Khan said he refused to accept that nothing can be done to stem the "appalling rise of violent crime" "

"Labour MP David Lammy tweeted: "Enough. Enough. My heart goes out to families grieving children and teenagers. So many shattered lives, families and communities.""

"Official statistics released in April showed the number of homicides in London had surged by 44% in the last year.
The number rose from 109 to 157 - eight of which were a result of the terror attacks at Westminster Bridge, London Bridge and Finsbury Park."