The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164082   Message #3922708
Posted By: Jim Carroll
07-May-18 - 11:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: London is a war zone!
Subject: RE: BS: London is a war zone!
"Can either Steve or Dtg explain why Iains post at that point was racist ?"
Can you explain why it is not
TRavellers are a recognised ethnic Group - recent DNA tsts show they have inhabited these island for at least a millenia
Why is it not racist to refer to them a thieves?
What Iains wrote was racial stereotyping
Travellers are the least acquisitive people I have ever met - if they steal it is out of necessity, not to increase their bank account holdings or finance second homes, or live in luxury
That's what all those politicians and bankers who have been caught dipping into the public purse do
We found out the hard way that you never admire anything a Traveller has otherwise you will be given it - never known my bank manager do that
Jim Carroll