The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164082 Message #3922721
Posted By: Jim Carroll
07-May-18 - 12:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: London is a war zone!
Subject: RE: BS: London is a war zone!
"I didn't ask you " Whern I was arguing with Iains I didn't ask you THis is a public forum "not up to your usual standard" It's fairly higher than your inability to respond to my question - or any of my other points I've explained in detail why I belive Iain's comments to be racist and I've listedf in detail the effects comments like his on an entire community who already have enough to cope with I'd have thought they were worthy of a response, just as I'd have thought Steve's posting above does, especially as it answers many of the points you have raised Are you really suggesting that an accusation of being thieves aimed at an entire community is not racist? New set of values on me I have spent half a lifetime opposing this bigotry Jim Carroll