The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164082   Message #3922751
Posted By: Senoufou
07-May-18 - 01:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: London is a war zone!
Subject: RE: BS: London is a war zone!
beardedbruce, of course. Crumpets a-plenty here!
I've also just made some rather nice pancakes rolled up with lemon juice and sugar. Husband is stuffed full already, so you and Backwoodsman are welcome to the coffee cake, nice cups of tea and crumpets. Leave some for the genuine burglars though.

I'm sorry to see generalisations on this thread about travellers.
No group of any sort can be entirely saintly or entirely evil. One tends to remember those who stand out, forgetting the perfectly unassuming ordinary examples.

Prejudice is so destructive of good relations between us all.