The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164082 Message #3922765
Posted By: Jim Carroll
07-May-18 - 02:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: London is a war zone!
Subject: RE: BS: London is a war zone!
"m the Thread title is "London is a War Zone"" So? The Travellers I speak about were living in London when we knew them The subject, as far as I'm concerned covers the violence taking place at present involving knives and guns - the OP mentioned guns specifically I gave an example of a gun crime and someone (an American) advocating that everybody should own a gun, mentioning a Traveller victim of a fatal shooting - where on earth is the thread- drift in that? It was Iains who introduced the anti- Traveller racism, not me - it was you who took up th cudgels on behalf of his racism - go take it up with yourself Why are you people so transparent - you pursue an argument quite happily until you find yourselves out of your depth, than you squeal "thread drift" as if you hadn't been part of it. And do you not realise how utterly stupid it is to come in accusing someone of being insulting (which I haven't) and of not putting up an agrument (which I have) the fail to put up an argument yourself (which you have) and revert to personal insulting (which you also have) Do you people come with a patent number - you certainly run to a type? Jim Carroll