The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29976 Message #392284
Posted By: GUEST,jayohjo in Russia
07-Feb-01 - 01:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Jayohjo in Russia!!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Jayohjo in Russia!!!!
Yes! The sparkling bits are fantastic, the whole world is glittery! I'm in Novgorod now, as a teaching assistant - the standard of English the kids have keeps surprising me, they're great - it embarrasses me to compare it to equivalent levels of French and German in most English kids. I haven't spoken English at full speed for days though, which is quite odd, but fun! The family I'm staying with are lovely, and they've coped admirably with my vegetarianism - as for 'bland food', which someone mentioned, it's not so much bland as all tasting of pickle! I'm getting used to it though, and have developed a deep love of borshch - everything is cool, but internet access is very hard to find, so frequency of postings will now diminish even more.... Much love Jayohjo XXX