The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164082   Message #3922841
Posted By: Iains
08-May-18 - 03:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: London is a war zone!
Subject: RE: BS: London is a war zone!
"Your racismm, your ignorance and your inhumanity appears to know no bounds and your return to your thuggishly bullying behaviour is an indication that you know it
Your flaunting the fact that Travellers are being ethnically cleansed by a govenmet that will not let them stop and will give them nowher to live places you beneath contempt"

and you are a bigoted old fool that feels he can hurl insults for no reason. Whatever gives you the right to suggest it is perfectly fine to disregard the law whenever you say so? I do not know what mental gyrations you go through to justify the above attack on me but lets be having some proof from any postings of mine to back up your string of insults. You are the bully on this forum, as your behaviour clearly demonstrates. Is this thread another you can claim as a scalp when it is closed.You are a disgrace, as are your arguments and the spelling you present them with.
Better men than you have been banned from this forum!

Everything I have presented is clearly evidenced by data in the public domain.