The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164082   Message #3922872
Posted By: Mr Red
08-May-18 - 05:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: London is a war zone!
Subject: RE: BS: London is a war zone!
If the statistics show that a particular group of people

human beings are supremely evolved to discern patterns. And if a person looks like trouble then we are wary. And if the pattern does suggest that 10% of a group (howsoever defined) cause PTSD for the rest of your life why wouldn't you be wary? Voicing wariness is at the same end of the spectrum as racism. They may come from different angles but the wariness is no different.

Now - has anyone been to Stow on the Wold Horse Fair? Half the shops are closed. Shops like the sweet shop, that would be of interest to the attendees, and campers. Pure statistics. The losses outweigh the profit margins when the Fair is on. It is cheaper to be closed. And when I went, the campers were quite distinct as a group. And as friendly as I am to strangers I didn't have much in common with them.

The same would be said of similar peoples in big cities like Lundun, innit? Particularly if they wielded a knife.

When crossing the road, we look both ways, why wouldn't we look a people both ways and come to some decision re the gamble and the costs therefrom?