The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164082 Message #3922998
Posted By: Joe Offer
08-May-18 - 03:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: London is a war zone!
Subject: RE: BS: London is a war zone!
I received requests from two Mudcatters for moderator intervention in this thread and another. Well, I sure am not going to intervene. I think I'd rather sit and play cards in the middle of a busy highway. It would be much safer. This thread died yesterday, 07 May 18 - 08:19 PM, when somebody posted a long list of allegedly offensive posts from another poster and another thread from another month. And then came all the allegations of racism and other offenses. That more-or-less killed the thread, because nobody on earth but the 08:19 PM poster, could possibly have any interest in all that. So, now the thread is toxically boring. I'll take another look this evening, California time. If the thread is still toxic, I'll close it. Or maybe Jeri or Maggie will give it a merciful death a little earlier.
The problem occurs when people get personal in their insults, instead of addressing the subject that is supposedly the topic of discussion. I know there are hurt feelings on both sides, and I don't know how to fix that. I think the best thing to do is stick to the topic and to the facts, and avoid categorizing each other as "trolls" or "racists" or whatever.
The proposed topic of this thread showed promise of being an interesting discussion, but it strayed from the topic rather quickly. See if you all can bring it back on topic, willya?