The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164041   Message #3923328
Posted By: Iains
10-May-18 - 03:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: Israel's Sharpville
Subject: RE: BS: Israel's Sharpville
No one wants to see any words or labels censored. But if they are used they need to have a justifiable context. Applying labels to posters simply because they have a counter view requires a demonstrable audit trail in order to justify the application. If a clear justification cannot be seen the derogatory labels should not be used.
No one hurls the term paedophile around indiscriminately. Similarly any other inflammatory terms should be used carefully and only when it is abundantly clear that the usage is both apt and accurate.
Accuracy of application in this case means it can be clearly seen, not that you think it can be seen. Be very clear you understand what was actually written, not what you think was written. If you refuse to acknowledge the validity of countering points of view be even more careful before attaching labels. Just be aware that perception of reality is governed as much by belief system as physical manifestation.
The more blinkered the outlook, the more radical the view, the more extreme the language used. A dangerous trap that just invites a "robust" response if erroneous conclusions are drawn!