The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164041   Message #3923880
Posted By: Jim Carroll
12-May-18 - 09:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: Israel's Sharpville
Subject: RE: BS: Israel's Sharpville
Sorry lads, said I wasn't going to do this but Keith is presenting us with a perfect example of everything that is wrong with Israel today

"By the definition accepted by 31 countries including yours "
I have no control over what countries accept and refuse to do so when they are designed to protect right-wing extremism
"It detracts from the horror of the holocaust to suggest the Nazis were no worse than the government of Israel."
Germany embarked on the greatest and most successful example of ethnic cleansing in modern history in modern history - result - six million deliberately murdered Jews
The greatest insult possible to those dead is for a country claiming to act on behalf of the Jewish People embark on a similar policy of Ethnic Cleansing using the six million dead as an excuse for this policy
Not only is this what the Israeli regime has embarked on, but it is what hald the population of Israel are now demanding
You support this policy by describing the confirmation of this 50% in the Jeruslem Times as " It just published some survey findings"
Putting any critiscism of any Government beyond reproach by redefining terms like 'antisemitism' is not only antisemitic, it is naked fascism - George Orwell's wet dream
No Government has a right to change the language to suit its policies
As I said, the only reliable definition of antisemitism is "persecution and denigration of the Jewish People"
That is underlined when the redefinition makes Jews "antisemitic self haters" - an establishment turning against its own people

I have noticed recently that some American dictionaries have now re-defined the term 'facism' to include governments who nationalise private property - technically, every government in Britain who adopt a policy of nationalisation and any that plan to do so in the future are nor "Fascists"
Brave New World here we come

While we're conversing, perhaps you can clear up a point for us
Can you explain how a song containing these verses:

Land of Jewish finance,
Fooled by Jewish lies,
In press and books and movies
While our birthright dies.

Longer still and longer
Is the rope they get
But, by the God of battles
T'will serve to hang them yet.

written by a British Fascist in the process of organising an alternative government for when "Herr Hitler won the war" can possibly be described as an "Unimportant silly song", especially as it was written within two years of the Holocaust

This was your claim, wasn't it - nobody faked a posting on your behalf?
Jim Carroll