The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164112   Message #3924123
Posted By: Jim Carroll
13-May-18 - 12:17 PM
Thread Name: How reliable is Folk History ?
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: How reliable is Folk History ?
"In the song about LL there is scant mention of his alleged misconduct with young girls."
There are twenty or so other songs an him some mention his sexual appetites
"the mythical "Droit du seigneur"
THere is a great deal of local information about it from simple farmers to the clergy - it is hardly something the establishment were going to publicise
Even Leitrim's peers considered him a "bad lot"
As for the rest - what an incredibly sweeping statement - masses have been written about the murderous activities of Gilles de Rais, the Hellfire Clubs, - Havelock Ellis mantions the practice, writers like Gershon Legman dealt with the practice in detail....
THere's quite a readable book on the sexual proclivities of our betters 'Love Lockes Out' by James Cleugh
This seems to be an attempted public whitewashing of history
Much of the evidence is anecdotal - mainly contemporary to the events - the gentry were hardly likely too allow their dirty linen to be washed in public
Jim Caaarroll