The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164041   Message #3924240
Posted By: Jim Carroll
14-May-18 - 02:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Israel's Sharpville
Subject: RE: BS: Israel's Sharpville
There remains an ominously deathly silence on what is happening on the border at present - there hasnt been any major reporting in the media since the beginning, which is indicative of the influence Israeli propaganda is having on our media
I can still remember the papers being full of similar shootings - Kent State, Sharpville, Soweto, Mai Lai - day after day on it until it became commonplace
Here, nothing - no outrage, not even information.
!00,000 Palestinians are due to march today The Times of Israel is claiming in its headlines that "hundreds plan to try breach the fence and carry out a “massacre” of Israeli civilians" - this claim comes from the same IDF who have been shooting down protesters - 40+ dead and thousands of casualties - for over a month without a single Israeli casualty to date
In fairness, they do show as evidence a four-day old photograph of a protester welding a very deadly-looking pair of wire cutters!
I hope it is not the case, but it could be a bad day today
Let's hope our press and statesmen find the time to take an interest in it
Jim Carroll