The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164109   Message #3925556
Posted By: mg
18-May-18 - 03:46 PM
Thread Name: Catholic sexual abuse & climate denial
Subject: RE: Catholic sexual abuse & climate denial
every bishop in chile signed mass resignation letter. pope should sign one too because he was part of this mess and abused the victims. He has admitted this. he is good in some arenas but he is beyond horrible in the abuse situation. not just failure to do much of anything...but obstructing people who are trying to fix things. Not listening to people who were essentially rioting in a church in Chile. Not listening in Australia..Guam is a mess... Supposedly he publicly kissed the bishop who people are so upset about..Barros. Is there anyone in the church who has the strength to take this on as next pope? There must be one somewhere but it escapes me...What would Pope White Light have done? Died trying at the very least..oops, he did.