The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164109   Message #3925639
Posted By: Jim Carroll
19-May-18 - 04:28 AM
Thread Name: Catholic sexual abuse & climate denial
Subject: RE: Catholic sexual abuse & climate denial
" (I've got half an acre to mow and my garden won't admit ride-ons) "
That's the problem with these gods who gave us all these beautiful things - they never offer to roll their sleeves up to help out
We (accidentally) have an acre of bad soil, rushes and now ****** moss which we refuse let become an unsightly mess
We are a mile from the Atlantic so the salty air restricts us in what we grow, we live on a coastal plain so we have to drive 20 miles to Ennis to find out what time of year it is (no real trees), and the fact that we live over the far fringes of The Burren means that the few trees we have managed to coax into taking root in the foot or so of soil before we hit limestone look as if they's just staggered back pissed from one or the local sessions - I have to prop up two conifers some time as soon as I can rely on the weather not to wash them own again.
"All god's gifts around us" is a breach of the trades desription act around here
On the other hand, I understand from what somebody said last night, that shortly I will be able so sit in the garden and watch and listen to the skylark rise and fall in the next field, we are starting to be woken up early in the morning by the ***** cuckoos, the swallows are back with a vengeance with their aerobatic displays and the sheltered spot outside our back door is crawling with robins, finches, tits, stone-chats (now and then) and collard doves (and unfortunately the occasional sparrow hawk) all clambering to be fed
Tonight we'll settle down to Casualty to the sounds of the Herons clacking their way home over the road
My heart was nearly broken a few months ago when a lady living in the town next to our paper shop asked me not to feed the two beautiful white Peace Doves because they shit all over her doorstep - she asked me did want them, but we couldn't work out a way to get them home !
You win some - you lose some
Wouldn't have it any other way