The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164194 Message #3926522
Posted By: GUEST,Lin
23-May-18 - 01:27 AM
Thread Name: Lots of new trad folk to hear (Bandcamp)
Subject: RE: Lots of new trad folk to hear (Bandcamp)
Thanks so much for posting information about Bandcamp. I had never heard of it before but clicked on the link to get to this site. Wow!! Lots and lots of great music to hear. When you click on any particular album you can also hear more songs from that album by just clicking on "Hear More." Brings you to the album and all the songs listed on it. I spent a good hour just going through many of the folk albums. Sure, I didn't like everything I listened to - but there was plenty of really good albums! One I particularly liked was by a female singer named Alice Dillon. Her album is "On A Green Growing Tree." I also listened to a duo called Kacy & Clayton (female/male folk duo.)
Thanks again for letting us know about Bandcamp! I plan to spend a lot of time over the next several days listening to lots of CDs and plan to buy some too! rvro