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Thread #162855   Message #3926525
Posted By: Iains
23-May-18 - 01:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: Post Brexit life in the UK
Subject: RE: BS: Post Brexit life in the UK
What Guido made perfectly valid comments on concerning Galileo was a speech by Barnier on the 14th May. An extract below:
"One word on Galileo. There have recently been many press articles – and many misunderstandings.The UK decided unilaterally and autonomously to withdraw from the EU. This implies leaving its programmes as well.So, we need to put the cooperation on Galileo between the EU and the UK on a new basis.In doing so, our responsibility is to maintain the autonomy of the EU and to protect our essential security interests.The EU's rules on Galileo have been in place for a long time, and are well known to the UK.In particular, third countries (and their companies) cannot participate in the development of security sensitive matters, such as the manufacturing of PRS-security modules.Those rules were adopted together by unanimity with the UK as a member, and they have not changed. and a link to the full text below:
My second link to   guido concerning hi tech investment in the uk in 2017 is supported by numerous reports:

Now do I disparage the content of the happy clappy socialist rag the guardian? NO! I always presume the data presented is reasonably accurate. It is frequently the analysis I have a problem with.

Sadly many of those commenting here seem unable to separate the two.
They seem unable to check things for themselves. They like to make ridiculous statements on everything and anything and seem incapable of carrying out any sort of meaningful research. They bury theirheads in the sand if they do not like the messenger and cannot understand the message. Perhaps they should return to the nursery and play with coloured chalks all day.

It does get rather tiresome when it is the same two fools constantly harping on about the messenger and refusing to acknowledge the message, even though it can easily be verified. Maybe they still need spoonfeeding as well.