The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162855   Message #3926641
Posted By: Jim Carroll
23-May-18 - 01:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Post Brexit life in the UK
Subject: RE: BS: Post Brexit life in the UK
"Jim you are talking complete bollocks as usual."
Back to your loutish arrogance Iains
Are you really unaware that it is a sign of your floundering for a decent answer ?
You have it exactly right - you pick only sources that fit your right-wing mind-set and reject everything that doesn't
We already knew that - to tell us, tell your priest
The rest of us take what information that is offered and debate it
I suggest a few manners classes might be in order before you join the adults - your arrogant name-calling was amusing; now it is just repetitively tiresome
Jim Carroll