The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30334   Message #392747
Posted By: DougR
07-Feb-01 - 09:43 PM
Thread Name: What's a Strad, Amati etc fiddle?
Subject: RE: What's a Strad, Amati etc fiddle?
Much of my life I managed symphony orchestras. I can't tell you how many calls we had to the office by someone who had discovered an Amati or a Stad in the attic. Usually the label would read something like, "Genuine copy."

If you have an instrument that you believe to have been made by one of the Masters, pay the bucks to have it appraised by a Master appraiser. That's the only way you will ever know for sure. There are excellent appraisers in New York and Los Angeles, I know. Also in other major cities in the world, I'm sure.
