The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164223   Message #3927474
Posted By: Steve Shaw
27-May-18 - 06:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Irish referendum
Subject: RE: BS: Irish referendum
Theresa May is in big trouble over this. She has failed to broker a reconciliation that would revive a Stormont assembly. She is now saying that we urgently need to get it restored whilst at the same time "asserting" that local politics should decide the abortion issue in the six counties. Yet, de facto, her government is running Northern Ireland. But she daren't make the right decision about abortion there because she's running scared of the anti-abortionist DUP. Well who'd have thought that democracy in this country could take such a nose-dive. This could actually finish her. I hope that Sinn Fein and the other parties with humanitarian instincts will keep up the pressure. Why, even a bunch of Tories are putting the pressure on...