I've done my own transcription based on the song as I heard it on Spotify:
HENRIETTA'S WEDDING As recorded by Marais & Miranda on "Joseph Marais & Miranda Revisit the South African Veld with the Bushveld Band" (2013)
1. We've been invited to Henrietta's wedding, Though she can't tell us when it will be. (Wait and see.) We hear the tears that her mother is shedding Are because of the old lady's glee. When will it be? (When will it be? When will it be? When will it be?) When will it be? (When will it be? When will it be? When will it be?) We've been invited to Henrietta's wedding, Though she can't tell us when it will be.
2. Though we're invited to Henrietta's wedding, No one knows who her husband will be. (Who can it be?) They say she's started to buy all the bedding, But the husband's a deep mystery. Who can it be? (Who can it be? Who can it be? Who can it be?) Who can it be? (Who can it be? Who can it be? Who can it be?) Though we're invited to Henrietta's wedding, No one knows who her husband will be.
3. We've been invited to Henrietta's wedding, And we want to know what there will be. (What'll there be?) From all the news that we hear has been spreading There'll be something besides cake and tea. What will there be? (What will there be? What will there be? What will there be?) What will there be? (What will there be? What will there be? What will there be?) We've been invited to Henrietta's wedding, And we want to know what there will be. (What can it be? What can it be? What can it be?)
4. We've been invited to Henrietta's wedding, And we want to know where it will be. We wonder which way to go to the wedding And, between you and me, so does she. Where will it be? (Where will it be? Where will it be? Where will it be?) Where will it be? (Where will it be? Where will it be? Where will it be?) We wonder which way to go to the wedding, And between you and me, so does she.