The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164194   Message #3927971
Posted By: GUEST,Richard Robinson
30-May-18 - 09:53 AM
Thread Name: Lots of new trad folk to hear (Bandcamp)
Subject: RE: Lots of new trad folk to hear (Bandcamp)
"You can tag yourself however you like, and I think more Bandcamp artists should go a bit further in this regard"

Yes. The sheer bulk of stuff Out There means that 'little people' are unlikely to turn up at random in front of the general public - we rely on people who are looking for something specific, so the more we can announce the things that people who might like us might be searching for, the better.

But I stopped to fiddle with my tags before I posted this, and got "OK, settle down. Please limit yourself to 5 genres, no more". *hrmph*. They're not, they're sub-genres. A more sophisticated (hierarchical ?) system of tagging would be more helpful.

It's all world music, I ain't never heard no Martians singin' it.