The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164095   Message #3929058
Posted By: keberoxu
03-Jun-18 - 11:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mad Swans, blue tits, and others
Subject: RE: BS: Mad Swans, blue tits, and others
My apologies! I was mistaken, must correct myself.
Just went online to see if I could find these amusing noisy birds.
No, they are not jays at all.

They are Great-Tailed Grackles. Right here in the Arizona cityscape.
They frequent parking lots everywhere.

If this link works, it will take you to a site about birds,
which has a short video of two adult male Great-tailed Grackles,
and you can see and hear them.

Now, if you could just imagine that little video
with about a dozen or more Great-tailed Grackles
doing that, simultaneously, in an ornamental tree in
a parking lot ... it is quite an aural experience.

Quiscalus mexicanus