The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164254   Message #3929074
Posted By: Jim Carroll
04-Jun-18 - 02:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: Emotional Subjects
Subject: RE: BS: Emotional Subjects
" making nasty people look nice"
It's a little daunting to find that someone who doesn't like you and shows little interested in the subjects you discuss holds the power of life and death over what those subjects we are allowed to share
It's rather like being taught by a schoolteacher who hates children - I've met a few of them
I don't think there are many, if any "nasty people" on this forum -there are a few who react badly to being talked down to (a few only do that), and there are a few of us who don't express ourselves well in print, but beyond that, we're a bunch of people who have never met each other (I know two people who post regularly on music - both I like and get on with in real life), the rest are strangers who are happy to take time out to share their opinions - that's a sign of not being "nasty" as far as I'm concerned.
Any persistent "nastiness" becomes obvious - if it is not sorted out in infects our discussions and degenerates into shouting matches - we all become "nasty" for a time - that becomes all our faults
We really do need to be able to sort out the persistent offenders, but when we try, the thread gets closed down
A bit of a stalemate really
Unless we are able (and allowed to) sort out the wheat from the chaff in our midst forums like this have no future, in my opinion - a crying shame - there's far to little talking to each other in this world as it is.
It's relevance may not be immediately obvious, but our old friend, Norfolk singer, Walter Pardon had a family saying which may be of assistance here

A Toast
“Here’s to those who love us and those who don’t love us. To those who don’t love us, may God turn their hearts. If he don’t turn their hearts, may he turn their ankle bones so we know the buggers when they walk”.
Jim Carroll