The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164263   Message #3929620
Posted By: Jim Carroll
07-Jun-18 - 11:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: What Publications Do You Trust, and Why?
Subject: RE: BS: What Publications Do You Trust, and Why?
By the way, there has never, to my knowledge, been a survey of which newspaper people "trust"
People buy newspapers for different reasons, from bums and tits to Sport, and everything in between
News, in scabloids like The Sun, The Mail... and all the rest of the sewer press take second place
The Mail is interesting in the sense that it manages occasionally to step over its reactionary political stance and take the lead in some stories that matter - because they sell papers
The Lawrence murder was one they stuck their neck out on, as was the Refugees being forced to wear 'yellow-star-like' identification and have their doors painted red debacle
DEspite its tendency towards racism, it didn't do too bad in covering the "One quarter of British People admit to being racist" issue
Funny old world, journalism
Jim Carroll