The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164254   Message #3929638
Posted By: Iains
07-Jun-18 - 11:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: Emotional Subjects
Subject: RE: BS: Emotional Subjects
If subjects are emotive the response should be measured, not hysterical exaggeration or simply outright lies.
Example: Grenfell tower
Assertion:the obvious fact that the building was shoddily built.

Fact: After the Ronan Point disaster high rise building codes were revised, prior to the construction of this tower block. The fact that the building maintained structural stability, despite a severe fire, is a testament to its rigorous design and construction. After all similar buildings in America went into freefall after a severe fire. If the official story is to be believed.

The events concerning the fire and it's aftermath are the subject of an ongoing public enquiry.
For a complete amateur to assign blame to a specific cause is ludicrous. The issue of cladding, fire prevention and potential overcrowding all need to be unravelled and any other factors the enquiry may feel to be germane.