The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164332   Message #3930963
Posted By: Jim Carroll
15-Jun-18 - 03:53 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Child Ballads in Ireland
Subject: RE: Origins: Child Ballads in Ireland
Many, many thaks Kevin - you really have taken a dog-with-a-bone approach to this
It's a beautiful version (we are in the dept of Travellers again)
There seems to be no information of the collector, location or where it is held (it looks like it might be the British Library)
It isn't the one referred to on Tom's list - he died over ten years ago and the list was completed at least ten years before that
I wouldn't be surprised if his came from Travellers as well
I'll continue to chase up the one he referred to so I can legitimately add it to the folder; failing that, I'll put in your link and transcribe the text - I'm sure nobody can complain about that
John Mouldon was at Galway Uni and he's offered to help
THe Travellers, both in Scotland and Ireland, have been the saviour of many of the ballads

Years ago, I began to compile a collection of our Traveller recordings with a view to publishing them - I chose a hundred pus songs and as many stories - there a masses of interviews containing detailed information of the oral traditions of Travellers
Thanks to the demise of the Celtic Tiger Arts fundinging for such projects died up and I shelved it
Last week a nice lady from the World Music Dept of Limerick University visited us and we discussed the possibility of moving the work along - a fair amount is already completed
I am hoping to get her advice in the next few weeks when she sees what I have doe so far - fingers crossed
Thanks again