The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164332   Message #3931058
Posted By: Jim Carroll
15-Jun-18 - 01:40 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Child Ballads in Ireland
Subject: RE: Origins: Child Ballads in Ireland
I didn't mean this to be an issue and I'm grateful for the information provided by Karen
We always tried to keep our singers in touch with what happened to the songs and information that they gave us
WE nearly go into hot water in the very early days when we passed on recordings to someone who said he was carrying it out research, only to learn from one of our Traveller friends that it was used in a radio broadcast
As it transpired, we had made enough friend in the Travelling community to be ably to maintain the trust we had built up - that trust lasted for thirty years until our last singer died
THe story of the abuse of Tom Munnelly's recordings of John Reilly songs by P. K. is a legendary example of both a collector and an extremely important and very generous singer being ripped off
As far as I am concerned, this music belongs to us all - or rather, it belongs to nobody
We have always been more than happy to pass on what we record on request, but at the same time, we needed to show our singers that we weren't exploiting them