The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164338   Message #3931081
Posted By: Raedwulf
15-Jun-18 - 05:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Object!' (Upskirting)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Object!' (Upskirting)
He is a tory, of course he is a knob.

Utterly pathetic remark, David Carter (UK). No, I am not also a Tory; far from it. But your comment marks you as a pathetic bigoted idiot.

How dare he block this very sensible and much-needed Bill?

Because! Did you read anything I posted, Sen? Did you actually take the trouble to read the bleeding article properly? Are you happy with the notion that dozens of men (yes, it will be men, I'm sure) could be jailed not because they've been naughty, but because they've been caught up in a badly worded piece of legislation? Or is that alright, just so long as no-one has to worry about their knickers? Not, as idiot Rebecca Reid insists, their genitalia, cos as the article also points out, no new law is needed to prosecute that. That's the whole problem!

No, I can't see how that could happen either, but you're no more a legal expert than I am. I shouldn't be having to say this for the fourth time, but since it seems I do, I'm going to be loud, blunt & downright coarse.

Just shut the fuck up, everyone!

The currently available evidence suggests that Chope is objecting simply because he objects to insufficiently discussed legislation slipping through parliamentary procedure. Not because he objects to the principle behind the bill. And we probably ought to be thankful that some miserable pedant takes that much trouble over what laws get passed. If it turns out he's objecting because he's a misogynistic bastard who thinks upskirting is fine, I'll join in with everyone else in jumping up & down on his miserable metaphorical carcass.

Until then, stop rushing to judgement. Let's wait until Ms Martin publicises the results of her meeting with him (as, I am quite certain, she will).

Yours, frustratedly,
