The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #6346   Message #3931489
Posted By: Brian Peters
17-Jun-18 - 03:52 PM
Thread Name: Help: The Unfortunate Rake
Subject: RE: Help: The Unfortunate Rake
Take a look at this thread.

Richard, it's my guess that the 'Karen Heath' you made that reply to is the same 'Karen' who made a lot of the running in that previous thread. Her thesis as I remember it was that (a) Bert Lloyd may have concocted the song he called 'The Unfortunate Rake', and (b) that the association of 'St James' Hospital' with Roud 2 was entirely spurious. In order to explain point (b) she felt the need to insist (amongst other things) that Tom Lenihan's version of the song had arrived in his repertoire from America.

We went into this question very fully in the thread you referenced. Personally I could sympathise with (a) but feel that (b) is not supported by the evidence. Kevin W's addition of a recorded version we weren't aware of before is helpful, though, and it's another early example of 'St James' appearing in Roud 2.

Lighter, why do presume that Ironhead Baker did not sing 'St James' Hospital'? Why would Lomax deliberately make the interpolation?