The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161060   Message #3931739
Posted By: GUEST,keberoxu
18-Jun-18 - 02:22 PM
Thread Name: Thomas Quasthoff - Lieder
Subject: RE: Thomas Quasthoff - Lieder
Currently, in 2018, 58-year-old Thomas Quasthoff has just published a studio album of popular/jazz music singing, with a small ensemble;
the arrangements are suitable for performing in public,
which he is booked to do in Europe.

The mass media hastened to interview Quasthoff,
singing again for the first time since he lost his voice,
after the 2010 death, from cancer,
of his beloved brother Michael Quasthoff.
(Worth noting that Thomas' and Michael's mother
had herself died about a year before Michael did.)

When the journalist commented to Quasthoff on his fervent following of fans
and the high emotion of their response
both to his retirement and to his resumption of singing,
Quasthoff snorted:
"So ein Quatsch!"    I'm not sure that's not ... a little vulgar.

And when the journalist remarked
on Quasthoff's self-deprecating sense of humo[u]r,
this was the response:

"Wenn Sie 58 Jahre mit einer Schwerstbehinderung leben und keinen Humor haben,
dann haben Sie etwas falsch gemacht in ihrem Leben."

If you are 58 years old,
you've lived with a severe disability all your life,
and yet you have no sense of humo[u]r,
then you have done something false in your life.