The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164342   Message #3931879
Posted By: Backwoodsman
19-Jun-18 - 09:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: Damned cyclists
Subject: RE: BS: Damned cyclists
Pfr, did you read the account? She and the horse were properly attired in hi-viz gear.

The behaviour of the cyclists is something I see frequently on the footpaths and roads around here - using the road/path as a racetrack, riding in large 'packs', trying to emulate professional racing-cyclists, refusing to slow down, the 'pack' breaking up and whizzing around anyone or anything in their way. And, of course, the rudeness and abuse from the riders (even on footpaths which are clearly signed 'No Cycling').

You're right in your earlier comment - it's not all cyclists who behave badly on the road - but it's galling indeed to hear drivers of bigger, less manoeuvrable vehicles being bad-mouthed by cyclists when they, themselves, are just as guilty of stupid behaviour.

BTW, I speak as one who, in his youth, was an enthusiastic cyclist, who frequently rode thirty miles or so on a summer evening, seventy or eighty on a full day ride-out to the coast and back. I'm far from being 'anti-cyclist', but I most definitely am 'anti-irresponsible-cyclist' - those clowns give cycling a bad name.