The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164489   Message #3936670
Posted By: Raedwulf
11-Jul-18 - 08:40 AM
Thread Name: Guitarists problems with hands
Subject: RE: Guitarists problems with hands
Guitarists' hand problems or steroids? I did post something about the former some years back, but I don't think it relates directly to what you're asking, so I shan't go looking for it, unless you want me to.

Steroids - I've never had one, but... I have a mildly arthritic left hip (right as well, but less so). The result of being active & sporty. The doctor that informed me of this made various further comments after diagnosis. One possible option was a steroid injection, the result of which was a comment to the effect of "In 10 years time, you'll be having a hip replacement". I cannot remember now whether that was down to "Because you won't feel any pain, you'll be running around like an idiot again" or "the steroids will damage the lining of the joint". The fact that I have a memory of the latter suggests that something might have been said.

On the whole, I would say that steroids are a mask, not a cure, and that you will continue to suffer damage / degradation if you subsequently continue the same activities without any change!