The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142642   Message #3938061
Posted By: Senoufou
18-Jul-18 - 04:25 AM
Thread Name: Books: Whatcha readin lately?
Subject: RE: Books: Whatcha readin lately?
I'm reading 'What Women Want' by Susan Maushart.

I very much enjoyed her previous book 'Wifework'. She's an extremely articulate and funny feminist, and has studied the lives of modern women in great detail.

'Wifework' explored the inequalities married/partnered women face in housework and childcare while pursuing careers, in comparison to the input of their menfolk.

'What Women Want' deals with the next step; what 'Happiness' actually means for women, and what choices they want to be free to make regarding their careers, motherhood and domestic lives.