The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164534   Message #3938274
Posted By: Charmion
19-Jul-18 - 11:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: Does money cause delusional thinking?
Subject: RE: BS: Does money cause delusional thinking?
Apart from the obvious differences of location (he's a Brit, I'm a Canadian), my upbringing had much in common with that described by Will Fly. I don't scrimp and save much any more because, thank the Lord, I now enjoy a comfortable middle-class lifestyle, but I feel something akin to pain when I see food wasted, useful things spoiled by lack of simple maintenance, and people mindlessly blowing money on stupid stuff. How do I define "stupid" with respect to stuff? Stuff that is neither beautiful nor useful, and is produced in order to cause some form of distress -- for example, Truck Nutz ... Need I say more?

In quoting the Epistle of Timothy, Eliza-Senoufou raises the central point, in my opinion; that those who pursue wealth for its own sake lose the ability to tell right from wrong. How does that happen? I think it happens because such people believe money can buy anything, including exemption from considering the needs and wants of others.