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Thread #164534   Message #3938566
Posted By: Jim Carroll
21-Jul-18 - 03:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: Does money cause delusional thinking?
Subject: RE: BS: Does money cause delusional thinking?
THe term "equality" has been a deliberately created red-herring since this society was first challenged
"Equality" is a desirable Utopia- a dream, nothing more
Another favourite red herring of the defenders of this society is "jealousy of the wealthy"

Most people may dream of being rich, but in fact all working people want is enough to live on - even just remuneration for their skills and efforts is hardly an issue nowaays
The longest and most divisive dispute in my lifetime, The Miners' Strike, wasn't about miners getting richer - it was about them keeping their jobs, homes and way of life.

Thatcher's Government, with the help of an American advisor, devised a plan to smash the Trades Unions, thereby silencing any say working people had in their lives.
The failure of that strike, coupled with the act of turning homes into commodities, marked the beginning of a repid widening of the gap between those who have too much and those who have next to nothing
That gap has now reached crisis point, with the health and education of our people in the firing line
I never thought I'd hear anybody claim that people are now "living too long" - it's fairly common to read about longevity as being a problem rather than a blessing
The real incurable sickness to day is the system

I admire your attitude to charity (I am a regular donor myself, but I look on my donations to Cancer organisations as personal insurance rather than gifts
When push comes to shove, any society that has to rely on charity is a failed one
Charity stigmatises and degrades; it may act as a sedative to a few, but in the main it does far more good to the donor than the donated-to
It is used as an excuse for not righting wrongs by those who are in the position to change things
At best, it is a stop-gap while we're waiting for a relief column that will never arrive because "there's always charity"
If it did anything serious to help those in need it would be accused of being "a disincentive for people to help themselves" and would be owtlawed
Jim Carroll