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Thread #162855   Message #3938748
Posted By: KarenH
22-Jul-18 - 10:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: Post Brexit life in the UK
Subject: RE: BS: Post Brexit life in the UK
One aspect of post Brexit life will be racist behaviour such as that I witnessed the day after the referendum results were announced.

It is worrying that Steve Bannon has set out to support far right groups all over Europe. This is a guy who thinks that Tommy Robinson, whose supporters were giving Nazi salutes in London the other weekend, is all right. Bannon they say is the one who got Trump to pull out on the environmental agreements.

On the environment, the UK is in trouble with the EU because of the poor quality of its air, which doesn't bode well for things environmental after Brexit.

None of this is helped by the fact that Trump hates the EU, and is in any case fighting trade wars, not the best type to be looking for a trade 'deal' with I would have thought.

On jobs, a Brexiteer interviewed on radio 4 the other week said that they thought British manufacturing industry might vanish after Brexit but they thought it was a price worth paying, though it was not clear to me that they would be paying any of this price personally.

Some Brexit voters believed that money 'saved' by not sending it to the EU would be spent on the NHS and council services, but given a government when even the former minister for the NHS (Hunt) had expressed ideological opposition to the principles underlying the NHS and continuing 'austerity' policies which have led to the shameful situation of food banks in one of the 'richest' countries in the world.

But my feeling is that if living standards do plummmet after Brexit a government led by illiberal millionaires like Rees Moog won't be admitting that Brexit had anything to do with it.

The EU does have its problems, putting it mildly, and there is a democratic deficit in the way it works. But at least we have not had another European war.

But the problems around the border between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland seem to be a stumbling block and I do worry that once again there may be bloodshed. Kids from different Christian sects were rioting in Northern Ireland this month.