The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164550   Message #3939218
Posted By: keberoxu
24-Jul-18 - 04:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: someone's Fox News job, is toast.
Subject: RE: BS: someone's Fox News job, is toast.
In the year 2009, when Barack Obama was in the Oval Office,
Ann Kirkpatrick was a "freshman" US Representative for
the 1st Congressional District in Arizona.
This proves me wrong in an earlier post on this thread.
That district, "CD1", covers northeastern Arizona.

The 2nd Congressional District in Arizona is to the south,
and includes the municipality of Tucson.
I was incorrect to say that Ann Kirkpatrick was a native of Tucson.

After serving as the US Representative for Arizona's CD1,
she relocated to CD2 so as to run for office
in the same state, but in a different congressional district.
I apologize for the error.

Ann Kirkpatrick is a Democrat, and when she served northeastern Arizona
in CD1, she took a seat that had previously been Republican.
She is still a Democrat today.

CD2, with Tucson in it, is becoming a swing vote
in this special primary election;
Arizona's history as a red state may be changing,
even though Republican John McCain continues as US Senator.
The campaign for the CD2 Representative is crowded for candidates
from the Democratic Party alone, however.
Arizona may be ... turning purple.

Why do I bring up 2009 for Ann Kirkpatrick?

Remember the disclosure above, about the
"Fox & Friends First" talk-show snafu at the Fox News network?
That they had a press contact "on file", for Ann Kirkpatrick,
through whom the Monday morning appearance had been booked,
and it was because of Fox News' negotiations with this press contact
that somebody entirely different from Ann Kirkpatrick
showed up via Skype on live television on Fox News?

The press contact is named Joe Katz.
He did indeed work for Ann Kirkpatrick ... in 2009,
when she represented CD1 from Arizona in the US Congress.

This month he heard from Fox News because he used to be
the manager for Ann Kirkpatrick, and Fox News wanted Kirkpatrick.
Never mind that, today,
Joe Katz represents a Democratic candidate running for Congress in
. . . Massachusetts.
No, never mind. Katz had this contact drop into his hands, so to speak,
and he took the ball and ran with it ...
with the Massachusetts candidate, without telling Fox News ahead of time.
In fact, Joe Katz cheerfully pulled up an Ann Kirkpatrick logo in his responding e-mails to Fox News, and when questions were put to him by somebody at Fox News --
whose job, as I ventured in the thread title, must be toast --
Katz told Fox News whatever they wanted to hear.

If I were Ann Kirkpatrick,
Joe Katz would, erm, hear from me.