The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66922   Message #3939281
Posted By: GUEST,larepole, guest
24-Jul-18 - 11:00 PM
Thread Name: Favourite Parodies
Subject: RE: Favourite Parodies
Dont know if this is a parody, or an intentional mondregreen or both.

Scar Strangled Banger

O staid cant obscene by the dumb surly right,
Fatso rowdily seig heiled at the toilets lost cleaning,
Whose fraud snipes and fright scars screw the powerless might
Odorous ram farts sasqwatched, were so callously screaming
Davy Crocketts' red scare, the bums thirsting and stare,
Pray groove with the whites that our flack would swell terror
Jose does that scar strangled banger yet rave,
O'er the brand of the freaks and the drone of the slave?