The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164462   Message #3939562
Posted By: Senoufou
26-Jul-18 - 07:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Word Mash-ups?
Subject: RE: BS: Word Mash-ups?
I had a Mrs Slocombe moment yesterday evening while sitting on my bench with my cat SmokeyPokey. Ruth-across-the-road bellowed out from her front garden, "There yew sit agin, a-playin' with yer pussy!"

I couldn't decide whether it was a perfectly innocent remark or a very rude one. Knowing Ruth, I suspect the latter.

Her husband Robin is just as bad. He recently called over, "Cor! Yew look a roit picture moi dahlin' a-sitting there!" I simpered appreciatively, only to have him call, "Oi meant yer cat not yew yer fewl!"
They're really funny the pair of them, I like them so much.