The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2335   Message #3940533
Posted By: Jim Dixon
30-Jul-18 - 10:33 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Foolish Questions (W Lee/A B Sloane)
Subject: Lyr Add: FOOLISH QUESTIONS (from Ada Reeve)
YouTube also has a 1915 recording by Ada Reeve, a British music-hall performer. Since she gets a little more creative with the lyrics, I'll post her version here. I have boldfaced the words that are different from the sheet music (see above). Note that there is one whole new verse.


1. You've heard of foolish questions, and no doubt you've wondered why
The person who will ask them can expect a sane reply.
Did you ever take a girl a box of choc'lates after tea,
And notice how she grabs it, and then says, "Is this for me?"
Foolish question! And you answer with a smile:
"No! The sweets are for your father, little girl, but you will hold 'em for a while.
I wanted you to see the box because the ribbon looks so gay—that's all."
"Is it for me?" As if she didn't know! There's a silly question, eh?

2. And then you all have met the man who stops you on your way
And asks you where you're off to, then listens while you say:
"I've just come from the funeral of my poor old school chum Fred,"
then, as soon as you've told him, he'll say, "Why, is he dead?"
Foolish question! And you might as well reply:
"Oh, no! He always thought that first he would be buried and then afterwards he'd die.
Poor Fred was so original, he wanted it that way."
"Is he dead? Is he dead?" And you've just come from his—well, well, I mean, there's a silly question, eh?

3. Then early in the morning, as your wife sits 'round the place,
She sees you take a shaving brush and lather up your face,
Then as you give the razor a preliminary wave,
She's sure to say: "Hello, dear; are you going to take a shave?"
Oh, foolish question! But you don't get cross, I hope.
No! You smile and say: "Huh! Am I going to shave? No, I like the taste of soap!
The razor? Yes, I'm going to chop the wood with it today.
'Am I going to shave?' Get out or I'll cut your throat!" Well, there's our silly question, eh?

It would serve her right if you meant it, wouldn't it?

4. You're thinking thoughts of marriage, so you find the proper girl,
And you take her to the altar with your brain all in a whirl.
Then the parson asks the silliest thing you've heard in all your life.
He says: "Will you this woman take to be your wedded wife?"
Foolish question! And you'll feel you want to say:
"No, I brought her in to see the decorations and to hear the organ play.
But I don't mind marrying her while I'm here, to pass the time away."
"Will you? Will you?" With her family standing round you? There's a silly question, eh?