The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162855   Message #3940597
Posted By: Iains
31-Jul-18 - 09:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: Post Brexit life in the UK
Subject: RE: BS: Post Brexit life in the UK
Another gem from Guido(the man with his ear to the ground, unlike the mudrats)
"UKIP which post-referendum was dormant is back from the dead, seeing its support rise from 3% to 8% in recent polls. Hardcore leavers don’t seem to have been put off by the alt-right turn the party has taken under Gerard Batten. The spoiler ramifications of this resurrection for Tory MPs with small majorities is an horrific nightmare for CCHQ. Zombie UKIP candidates with no hope of victory could still deprive Tory candidates of seats.

The prospect of Nigel Farage returning to the political stage and re-energising UKIP with a betrayal narrative with him as a De Gaulle type national saviour still seems far fetched to many pundits. Swing-seat Tory and Labour MPs will however dread the thought of Nigel back on BBC Question Time tub thumping"

Fantastic News! Maybe he will stop the great betrayal!