The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164389   Message #3941012
Posted By: Senoufou
02-Aug-18 - 05:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: Going to embrace it why fight it
Subject: RE: BS: Going to embrace it why fight it
I'm not really feeling the need to 'burn and rave' though Jim. I must be rather placid and docile (bovine?) because I just accept what comes, and I reckon Death will find me fairly complacent, if there's not too much physical pain involved.
The dying of the light needn't be something to fear or resent. It can be a welcome arrival of the next stage of existence.
It helps to have some sort of faith though.

We had a new double-glazed window fitted yesterday in our sitting room. It's very nice, and will keep out the winter draughts. The design is slightly different to the old one, as now there are regulations as to the size of ventilation (ones that open) windows which have to correspond to the size of the room. (Nanny State in action)

It's only a tiny bit different, but I'm looking at it as I type this, and thinking I rather preferred the old one. I also feel sorry for it languishing in some industrial skip, rejected and unwanted, after years of loyal service being a nice window.

I seem to get more sentimental as I age (and completely daft).

I think it's time to look at care homes for the senile!