The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10223   Message #3942793
Posted By: rich-joy
09-Aug-18 - 07:42 PM
Thread Name: Why aren't the Corries taken seriously
Subject: RE: Why aren't the Corries taken seriously
Just came across this Corries article (with an emphasis on Roy's lifestory):

Here is an excerpt :

" ... Besides ditching the day jobs, Williamson and Browne resolved to abandon the time-consuming trips to folk clubs and instead organise and run their own concert tours. With no middle men the cake was divided into three enticingly large slices: one for each musician and the third for expenses.

As a business model and an artistic venture it was outstandingly successful. Browne, assisted by his wife, Pat, an accountant, took care of the business side, while Williamson, the more gifted player, looked after the music. Browne, by his own admission, could barely strum a guitar before he joined The Corries, but he was willing to learn and his singing voice complemented his partner’s.

The duo’s concerts could give the impression of being couthy and off-the-cuff, but the reality was entirely different. Rehearsals were meticulous and nothing was left to chance. The pair were the ultimate professionals and their audiences loved them, buying records, tapes and CDs and other merchandise in huge quantities at the shows. Yet, just as Williamson’s relationship with his mother was fractious, so too it could be with Browne. If they weren’t on a par with Noel and Liam Gallagher, they had their moments... "

Cheers, R-J
(who will admit to liking some of their material AND learning some of their harmonies, LOL!)